The proprietor of the domain and responsible for its content is

Dipl.-Ing. (Graduate Engineer) Jörg Mähnert
Beratender Ingenieur (Advising Engineer)
Member of the Chamber Of Engineers, Saxony (Ingenieurkammer Sachsen)

Tax no.: 220/159/12905

Registergericht Chemnitz PR122

The job title "Beratender Ingenieur" is based in
Sächsisches Ingenieurkammergestz - SächsIngKG (German)
Satzung der Ingenieurkammer Sachsen (German)

Contact information can be found on the left side of this web page.

The owner of this domain is not responsible or liable for the content of web sites linked to from Opinions and views stated there do not necessarily reflect the ones of Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Mähnert.
The content (fotos, text, grafics) shown on is subject to copyright. Copying and publication of any kind require the consent of Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Mähnert.
Design and realisation
Lutz Mähnert
Tobias Hiller (concept, update)
Last update: 27/03/2019
Translation from German
Lutz Mähnert for Mähnert Service
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